Multiple Parameters

Adding Multiple Macros

When inputing numerical parameters, you may simultaneously add several items to the queue in three ways.

  • You may input lists of values (e.g. 1,3,7,9) and macros with each value will be added to the queue.

../../_images/Expanding1.png ../../_images/Expanding5.png
  • If you want the values to be evenly (linearly) spaced, you may also input 3 numbers with a format of ‘Start, End, Step size’. Writing 2,10,2 is identical to writing 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

    • You may use a negative step size if you would like to have the values decrease: 0,-10,-1.

    • If you want to input 3 values without expanding them, you may use semicolons instead of commas. -1;1;0.1 will not be expanded.

  • If you want the values to be logarithmically spaced, see Logarithmically Spaced Parameters.

Which Functions will Run

It is important to note that when a user inputs multiple values for numerical parameters, MacroQueue will ‘expand’ the macro into multiple macros, with each value, to the queue. The macros are created as if there is a for loop at the expanding function and every function below the expanding function is inside the loop.

That is to say, if there are two functions each with 2 values, the first funciton will run twice and the second function will run four times (twice for each time the first function ran).

For example, let’s say I want to (1) change the setpoint, (2) wait some time, (3) change the bias, and (4) scan and I want 2 different setpoints and 2 different biases.


The first and third macro will have all 4 functions while the second and fourth will only change the bias and scan.


You can confirm which functions will run by pressing “edit”

  • For the first macro:

  • For the second macro:
